Lawrence and Jo Adams
Serving in Guatemala
We are the Adams family – Missionaries with Foundation for Missions.
Pictured is my wife Jo, daughter Jenna, and myself Lawrence. Our son, Tristan, is living and going to school in Michigan. We are currently serving through Foundation for Missions in Guatemala.
God called me to missions when I was 15. It was while attending a Church of God International Youth Convention that I heard a missionary speaker. I remember listening to her and feeling God ignite a fire in my heart for the those in need. That fire didn’t go away and many years later, in my 20’s, I took to my first trip to Guatemala with a church mission team. Just one day in the mission field and that call on my life came alive stronger than ever! I spent one week in Guatemala and my life was never the same again.
The next year I took my wife and God ignited her passion to serve also. We sold everything and moved to work in Guatemala full time on July 1, 2016.
We are so excited to journey into this ministry to which God has called us. Our main team, which consists of David and Damaris Beam, Shawn and Lisa Bradley, Gabriel and Silvia Leon and ourselves, work in Zone 12 of Guatemala City.
Our goal is to empower the community to bring the light of Christ to others.
We are partnering in three ministry areas:
- with a local Christian School. The goal is, through child sponsorship, to provide an education to children who would not otherwise be able to receive it.
- with a ministry home called ‘Prince of Peace’. The goal is to provide a safe haven and Christ-centered education for girls who have been abused.
- with an orphanage called ‘Love the Child’. This is a ministry that has been powerful for the adoption of Guatemalan children. ‘Love the Child’ is an orphanage that receives many children and babies that are abandoned. The mission of the orphanage is to love the children and show God’s love. The missionary that runs the home has worked very hard to learn and work with the Guatemalan courts to provide these children with loving, permanent homes.
God is showing us the path that He is wanting us on. We pray daily to be able to see it and follow it.
If you would like to receive updates please email us at and we will gladly add you to our newsletter list.
Thank you once again for taking interest in our ministry.
God Bless!
Lawrence and Jo Adams